Category Archives: Future Trends

AI, Natural Language and Image Generation – A quick post…

In the course of researching my second book, 'Future Hackers', I've been playing with OpenAI's 'Dall E' image generator. It uses natural language input to create any image it's instructed to create... Took around 30 seconds to generate these images: The instructions I gave it were 'Create a brochure for an accountancy software company. Use…
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New book ‘Future Hackers’ coming – But why?

The following text is lifted from the now accepted book proposal to Flint Publishing, a division of the History Press: a) Please write an elevator pitch for your book (in no more than 20 words): Future Hackers is the indispensable guide for curious business leaders to think differently and make informed future-ready choices in a…
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Chess Boxing – Who knew!

As I continue to develop the 'Future Hackers' book, it means finding interesting examples to back up the concepts discussed. In the chapter about 'Future of Work', we're partly looking at critical skills towards 2030. One key skill is 'Cognitive Flexibility' - our capacity to quickly stop one task and move to another or even…
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