Practical inspiration for extraordinary times

In a changing world, I’m optimistic about the future – and I’ve been engaged by over 100 organisations on 4 continents to share the ideas at the leading edge which will drive us all forward.

You can’t be truly future-proofed. But I believe whole-heartedly that you can be future-ready.

And by becoming more future-ready, leaders can contribute to the welfare of their businesses and their people too.

I’ve written two books – The Future is Now and Future Hackers – to help people and companies tackle an ever-changing world with confidence. I’ve also lived many of the ideas I talk about in my own work and personal life. I’ve worked in an agile way with gig economy platforms, building talented teams from across the globe since 2011. And worked with AI tools since as far back as 2017.

I want to paint a better future for your business and your team

I speak at conferences and run bespoke seminars and workshops for leadership teams looking for practical, optimistic inspiration to develop new strategies for their organisations.

I speak on three core themes:

  • The Future of Work: how to optimize the workplace for outputs based on the wave of automation promised by AI, the needs of a rapidly changing workforce, an intriguing scarcity of skills and changing consumer needs. Add sustainability to the mix and what we do, how we do it and with whom is increasingly challenging and exciting to predict.
  • The Future of Leadership: Leading used to be something one could learn upfront. Today we’re all playing catch-up. I look at the skills which really matter and how to nurture and maintain them in yourself, your board and your team. And we discover how to put them to work in an increasingly unpredictable and disrupted world.
  • The Future of Technology: Behind so much of today’s business disruption is tech. In this keynote, I’ll explain why two foundational technologies are fundamental to the next decade, and how they are supported by a set of interfaces which bring us closer to the increasing number of innovations we’ll all be working with over the next few years.

We’ll ask: 'What can you do tomorrow that you're not doing today?' – and what difference can you hope to make? Every event includes:

  • Practical ideas, concepts and tools to implement afterwards in your own context
  • Bespoke visuals to bring ideas to life and communicate effectively from the boardroom to the shop floor
  • Easy to read cheat-sheets to keep, covering more detailed concepts.

And you’re welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn to follow up the discussion.

Anchored in reality: advice for the here and now

I won’t give you a ten-year plus vision – for two reasons.

Firstly, almost anyone offering a ten-year prediction is clutching at straws. They may turn out to be right, but it will be through luck rather than qualified analysis. Like your business, I deal in firm realities – and still find much in which to be optimistic.

Second, I’m interested in the next five to ten years because that’s how I can offer you ideas which will catalyse into actionable advice for your business. In a world that’s increasingly real-time, I want to help you concentrate on the here and now. My aim is not just to deliver a truckload of content, but to enable you and your team to walk away and continue to have your own insights.

And when you book me, I’ll customise your event according to your needs. I’ve worked with leadership groups in banking education, industry associations, retail, manufacturing, media, software and many more.

Trusted by leading brands, including:

"Our leadership conference was a great success. You pushed the limits of some of our attendees’ minds with ideas that have since created conversation and debate – something which was a key part of the brief. Thank you Matt, it was pleasure to work with you."

Emma Tongue
Comms & Marketing Manger, Morgan Sindall Infrastructure

"Matt has a wonderful ability to deeply connect and understand and communicate what is most relevant to a given audience. I have personally learned a lot from Matt and would highly recommend partnering with him as he provides actionable, unique perspectives on the future."

Melanie Small
Account Director, Randstad Risesmart

Optimism is contagious.

I’d like to share it with your team.

Together, we can make transformational changes.

Let’s bespoke your event