Joining me for the second Futurist.Matt podcast is Chris Monteiro, Senior Systems Admin by day, Cybercrime researcher by night.

During the short 15 minute audio, we discuss the following questions:

0:37: What started your interest in Cybercrime?
1:15: What happened with the Ashley Madison dataleak?
2:12: What did the hacker do with data once it was stolen?
2:40: Where did extortion come into play with the A/M data?
3:30: How does Cybercrime manifest itself?
4:30: Who are the criminals?
5:25: What are ‘darknet’ markets?
6:27: How can criminals get their money out of the virtual world?
8:02: What the *&^% is ‘Pizza Fraud’?
9:11: What will this sort of crime look like in 10 – 20 years?
10:28: New types of crime? Sci-fi?
11:54: How can we fight cybercrime?

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What do you think? Have you been affected by Cybercrime? Is it getting worse? Can we beat it? Feel free to comment below!

If you’d like to reach Chris, you can find him on Twitter as Deku_Shrub.