Taken by Michael AmbjornYesterday I was privileged to be invited to speak at the IABCFuture Fit Communications’ event in London. Together we explored three trends set to change the world of corporate communication:

– The impact of Artificial Intelligence 
– The growth of Visual communication
– Why ‘Soul’ matters more than ever

As a bit of fun for the end, I produced a short ‘News from the Future’ report highlighting a future scenario if the algorithms running our world collaborated. It’s a little sensationalist, but does make a serious point. Artificial Intelligence can be a fantastic force for good in society, but we’ll either need to build in strong values and ethics or it will affect us in ways we can’t even comprehend presently.

I’d like to thank the following people for their inspiration on this first video:

David Orban, Singularity University
Professor Murray Shanahan, Imperial College London
David Wood, London Futurists

The plan is to create a series of these ‘News from the Future’ reports which attempt to bring to life a range of future scenarios. I hope you enjoy them!

The main presentation will be available this Thursday.