Over recent months, I’ve worked on a project for a client, Epicor, exploring how SME manufacturing could evolve over the next 10 years.

The video and A1 poster look at impacts on:

  • Sales and Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Operations and Production Management
  • Service Management
  • Finance
  • Product Management
  • Human Resources
  • Purchasing

Take a look at the short video:

There’s also a free A1 sized poster available from the landing page here. It’s specifically designed for large format, so you won’t see much detail in the preview below.

Factory of the Future - Infographic preview

Futurist.Matt helps organisations better prepare for their positive futures. If you’re looking for an engaging speaker or workshop on issues that affect your business, just get in touch!

The video, infographic and landing page were produced by ModComms.