piers-thurstonI’ve spent a fair amount of time this week developing new writing and ideas for the forthcoming ‘Roaring 2020’s’ book mentioned here a short while ago. As I dig further into technological shifts and the resulting social changes, it’s more apparent than ever that the work of Piers Thurston and other ‘Inside-Out’ practitioners is essential to maintaining a flexible, adaptable, resilient and creative approach to our work life.

Piers and his ilk point beyond the ‘thingification’ of our minds catalysed through our conventional understanding of psychology (circa 1892/William James) and the resultant traditional personal development/coaching methodologies, to demonstrate how science is catching up to reveal what spiritualists and mystics have always known – our minds are projectors, not cameras. Once this is known and felt, we come to see that many desirable and needed qualities such as resilience, creativity, leadership etc are innate and don’t require teaching at all.

This podcast was recorded in June 2018 and my recent work only causes a ‘doubling-down’ on my belief his work is critically needed. Check the ‘Making Change Work‘ website and enjoy the podcast we recorded together.