Following OpenAI’s announcement about the release of their evolved ChatGPT model, here’s the lowdown:

Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity
GPT-4o’s multimodal abilities enhance accessibility, making it more inclusive for people with disabilities. For instance, combining vision and speech will help people use digital platforms more easily.

It points to a future where personalised education is highly accessible. Expect a surge in AI tutors providing 1-on-1 support, adapting to students’ learning speeds and styles. I hope this will reduce educational disparities across the world.

Its ability to process and generate human-like text, voice, and image data will be transformative. It will automate routine tasks in legal, medical, and creative fields. Staying relevant means focusing on higher-value aspects of work. As I’ve said before, being an amazing listener, asking great questions and making good decisions are key here.

New interactions in human ways with human seeing emotion will be a boon for entertainment. Expect massively more interactive and emotionally engaging video games, VR experiences, or digital companions. I fear new forms of human addiction emerging. Also, sadly, an uptick in the global loneliness epidemic.

Privacy and Security
As AI systems like GPT-4o become more capable of understanding and generating human-like interactions, privacy and security matter. The ability to process real-time audio and visual data will lead to misuse, such as surveillance or even better quality deep fake content.

Ethical and Societal Challenges
Models like this raise major ethical questions. Consent, data security, potential bias in AI responses, and impact on employment need attention and management.

Access to more advanced models
OpenAI’s commitment to making GPT-4o accessible, including free-tier users, suggests better access for people. Expect more people and small businesses to use AI, hopefully leading to better innovation and creativity across the board.

In summary, GPT-4o’s release will impact society in ways I haven’t covered. Expect amazing opportunities for innovation, but with potentially ethical, privacy, and societal implications. I see good and bad here. A gun can be used for self-defence and policing. Equally, it can be used for completely the opposite.