Keynote Speaking Tips from Matt ONeillI’m often asked the question, ‘How can I do what you do?’. Broadly speaking, recognise that there’s the craft 𝗔𝗑𝗗 the business of being a keynote speaker. If you want a fast track on the business of speaking, I’ll always recommend a preliminary conversation with Maria Franzoni!

This post isn’t about the business, but rather a few ideas to help you connect with your audience. These will help your keynote speaking.

Transitional phrases” are essential in keynote speeches because they help your ideas flow smoothly, making it easier for the audience to follow along. By linking your points naturally, they keep listeners’ attention and strengthen your overall message. These phrases act like signposts, guiding your audience through your speech and emphasising key ideas. I promise your presentations will be more impactful, engaging, and memorable!

Here’s 20 phrases you can use, with an explanation of how they work:

– ‘Adding to that…’
Introduces additional information that supports or builds on the previous point.

– ‘Let me explain this more…’
Indicates that more details or clarification will be provided.

– ‘To see this clearly…’
Helps to put the previous point into context or perspective.

– ‘As we look closer…’
Signals a deeper examination or analysis of the current topic.

– ‘Next…’
Introduces the next point or topic in the sequence.

– ‘Now, let’s look at…’
Shifts focus to a new point or aspect of the topic.

– ‘Because of this…’
Connects the previous information to its consequences or implications.

– ‘To understand this better…’
Indicates that further explanation or context will be given for clarity.

– ‘Remembering this…’
Reminds the audience of an important point that will be relevant for the next discussion.

– ‘With that said…’
Wraps up the current point and transitions to a new but related topic.

– ‘This makes us think about…’
Introduces a new consideration or related idea prompted by the previous information.

– ‘Looking closer at…’
Signals a detailed examination of a specific aspect of the topic.

– ‘It’s important to remember…’
Highlights a key point that should be kept in mind.

– ‘Looking at it differently…’
Encourages considering an alternative perspective or approach.

– ‘Similarly…’
Draws a parallel between the current point and a new one.

– To explain more…’
Indicates further elaboration or detail on the current topic.

– ‘This brings us to…’
Naturally transitions to the next point or topic.

– ‘To highlight this…’
Emphasises an important point or key takeaway.

– ‘Also important is…’
Introduces another significant point related to the current discussion.

– ‘Going forward…’
Prepares the audience for future points or implications.

I’ve not scratched the surface, but I hope these are useful! I’m curious to hear other tips too!!!

All the best,

Matt 😁