Why do I focus so much on AI nowadays?

Why do I focus so much on AI nowadays?

It’s a question that comes my way often. The answer’s straightforward: AI is the foundational technology of the 21st Century. For me, it’s not the tech that’s mind-blowing — it’s the seismic shifts it’s triggering. Sure, the road ahead has its bumps — think significant job disruptions and a pressing need for societal adaptation. But, […]

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The New Breed of Text-to-Video AI: What it means to businesses, marketers and creators!

The New Breed of Text-to-Video AI: What it means to businesses, marketers and creators!

Yesterday, Open AI launched ‘Sora‘, a new text-to-video model “that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions. Here are my provisional thoughts about its impact: Better Video Making: Now, businesses and marketers can make high-quality videos quickly and cheaply using text. This means even small businesses or people without much money can make […]

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“purifAI” and “dignifAI” – AI Trends for people who hate other people!

“purifAI” and “dignifAI” – AI Trends for people who hate other people!

I enjoy studying AI because I see amazing innovations that are and will be life-changing. But the rise of AI trends like “dignifAI” and “purifAI” shows a worrying side, where technology is used to push old-fashioned and divisive ideas. “dignifAI” (AI Software) alters pictures of women to make them wear more traditional clothes, fitting an […]

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How do we make sure everyone benefits fairly from AI?

How do we make sure everyone benefits fairly from AI?

Recently, at a major event in Davos, someone asked me a deep question that made me rethink how AI’s benefits are shared fairly. I realised I didn’t have a good answer, showing a major gap in my research. This made me feel responsible for looking deeper into the topic. So, I started to explore it […]

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Using AI to Talk about Israel/Palestine More Thoughtfully Online!

Using AI to Talk about Israel/Palestine More Thoughtfully Online!

The current Israel/Palestine debate is already causing a tinderbox of heated dialogue online, particularly as it’s an emotive issue on which most people vehemently polarise to one side. It made me wonder: couldn’t AI help us to chat online with more nuance and less drama? Better yet, could it help us to better understand one […]

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48th birthday today – A moment of reflection

48th birthday today – A moment of reflection

As I ring in my 48th year today, it’s a perfect moment to reflect on the strides we’ve made during my lifetime. Being a proud Brit, it’s astounding to see how the UK landscape has transformed over the last five decades. Of course, challenges persist, but as I’ve journeyed through, it’s clear that on balance, […]

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Two people – Six languages – One Week. Or Is It?

Two people – Six languages – One Week. Or Is It?

Can you believe it? Maria Franzoni and I just tried out six languages in one week. Surprised? Before you think we’ve suddenly become language experts, let me share our trick: it’s not what you think. The tech team at ‘HeyGen‘ just launched their new creation, ‘Video Translate‘. This cool tool uses AI to translate videos […]

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(4/14): You can’t be future-proof, but you can be future-ready!

(4/14): You can’t be future-proof, but you can be future-ready!

I had the pleasure of collaborating with the brilliant Maria Franzoni recently, and together, we decided to create a series of concise Zoom interviews discussing key future trends. 🚀 Our fourth topic touches on the idea of becoming future-ready. Future-proofing is all about providing a sense of certainty in an uncertain world. Sure, it’s highly likely that […]

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